Posts tagged with: 2015
ADRA distributes tarps in remote villages
ADRA distributes tarps in hard to reach villages in Nepal KATHMANDU, NEPAL—ADRA Nepal staff are working around the clock to deliver much-needed tarps and food to families in remote villages in Dhading and Kavre. Tough road conditions, including rubble from houses destroyed by the earthquake is making distributions more difficult. ADRA workers are driving up …
Leia MaisADRA Begins Shelter Distribution
ADRA Begins Shelter Distribution in Nepal KATHMANDU, NEPAL— Response to the earthquake in Nepal continues as the Adventist Development and Relief Agency begins to distribute much needed shelter to affected families in Dhading and Kavre districts. Rainfall has already begun in Kathmandu and other affected areas. Meteorologists have predicted rainfall for the next 10 days, creating …
Leia MaisMassive 7.8 Earthquake Devastates Nepal
A 7.9 magnitude earthquake has devastated much of Nepal, leaving thousands dead, injured, and missing. Search and rescue teams have yet to reach remote and rural regions and with strong aftershocks still shaking the country, more destruction is anticipated, with a likely increase in the death toll. The need in Nepal is strong and very …
Leia MaisADRA’s Ebola Response Continues
The Ebola outbreak in West Africa was unprecedented in its scale, with 25,600 reported cases and 10,600 deaths. Along with the health threat, Ebola also disrupted farming, economic activity, school systems, and even social customs, leaving very few not affected. ADRA’s Ebola response in Liberia and Sierra Leone is focused on three main areas: Awareness …
Leia MaisADRA Urges USAID Leader Appointment
ADRA encourages President Obama to appoint USAID Administrator WASHINGTON, DC.— On April 15, the Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA) International joined more than 100 other individuals and nongovernmental organizations in advocating President Barack Obama to nominate a permanent Administrator to the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). Although ADRA commends the work of …
Leia MaisSupport for Victims of Boko Haram Insurgency
ADRA Continues to Support Victims of Boko Haram Insurgency LAGOS, NIGERIA—One year ago, Boko Haram’s abduction of more than 200 schoolgirls in Nigeria captured the attention of the world and provoked the #BringBackOurGirls viral campaign. On Monday April 13, UNICEF announced that Boko Haram has to date rendered a total of 800,000 children and their …
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